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2018 Annual Report


2018 Annual Report

Continental Corporation - 2018 Annual Report

Social Responsibility and Engagement

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We see ourselves as part of the local communities at our locations. The jobs we create directly in our plants and indirectly at our suppliers are important local contributions. In addition, Continental also selectively promotes and supports social initiatives, activities and projects.

Management approach
Our social activities are based on our four corporate values, internal directives and local laws. For example, fundraising activities are governed by a corporate directive that defines priorities and processes. We not only donate money and goods, but also support our employees’ volunteer work and participate in collaborations all around the world. Our efforts are largely organized on a decentralized basis in order to meet local needs. Our social commitment is supplemented by centrally managed activities. A global coordination process is currently being set up.

Results and performance indicators
Around the world, a large number of projects, campaigns and fundraising activities took place that prove that we are there for the local communities at our locations and include the following activities:

  • Employees from the Tire division in Hanover donated the proceeds of their winter festival, around €15,000, to three local charitable institutions.
  • Continental Youth Safe-Driving Program: In Chongqing, China, we held a program day on safe driving for young drivers in cooperation with several local partners, such as the local government and associations.
  • In India, Hungary, Mexico and Romania, Continental employees helped to renovate or equip schools and daycare centers close to their locations.
  • In Germany, the Continental pilot project “We l.o.v.e. Europe” has resulted in the “Experiencing Europe” initiative, which has been joined by other companies. In cooperation with the German Federal Employment Agency and Caritas, selected participants in prevocational training (unemployed young people) are given the opportunity to complete internships throughout the rest of Europe. Continental has already hired some of the first participants.